I haven't ever participated in one of those 30 days things, but when I read them they do make me take a second and think about all that I am thankful for.
Well, the theme of this Bilingual Blog Hop is things that we are thankful for, so...
My top 3...
1. My awesome family... I couldn't imagine life without them... actually, I could... it would really stink. So... I am very thankful that I have them.
2. My awesome students and their families. I am smack dab in the middle of parent-teacher conference week and I can't rave enough about the group of kids and families that I have... I am already dreading the end of the year! I love them so much!!
3. My blogging buddies and the TpT world. So much has changed and I have learned a lot since I encountered Teachers Pay Teachers a couple of years ago. I just wanted to stop and think about that for a minute... Being a bilingual teacher can feel like you're on an island, but just through these outlets I have found so many other bilingual, dual language, ESL teachers and it has been so awesome to connect, share resources, and talk to people with the same problems, interests, etc. It's pretty cool!
Well, quickly before you leave, I wanted to offer a freebie... Not Thanksgiving themed, but definitely something that I am thankful for. We have working our little bottoms off in Room 109A on 10 less and 10 more... and I am proud to say my students get it!! I have heard the stress of other teachers trying to teach this concept using a hundreds grid so I hope this freebie can help you out!
Now on to the next blog on the hop...School en casa